Perfect solution against moles

The anti-mole net offers an ideal protection against moles on grassy fields such as football- and playgrounds, golf courts or gardens. Placed on the ground before placing/seeding the lawn will prevent mole activities in the covered area.


There are many ways to protect against moles, but the most reliable solution is to install a movement that physically prevents the mole from destroying our garden.


Sandy structured soil is applied over the fastened net to the depth of 5-8 cm. We suggest compacting the surface with a roller. The edge of the overlap is a minimum of 10-15 cm. It is useful to fasten the edges and the overlaps with Fixsol metal pegs. Around flowerbeds, trees, borders you need to round up the net in L shape. After placing the mole net you can plant new plants by cutting an X shape but you need to fasten the net here as well.

Selective sorting instructions

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Mesh (mm)
5 x 5 mm 15 x 15 mm

Height (H)
1 m 2 m

30 m 200 m 10 m 25 m 100 m

Weight (g/m²)
60 g/m² 35 g/m² 45 g/m²

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